Research Essay

The cause and improve the issue elderly immigrants learning new language

Many societies find it hard to find a solution to help people. In those problem, elderly immigrants hard to learning the new language is the small problem, but it is extensive over the world. It might be because they can’t join in the new country, community activity, dementia, or a background in low education level. They are the vulnerable groups in society. Many people will rarely communicate with old people, it will neglect the potential problem. People should attach to this issue and find a helpful solution. Before we find out the ways to improve elderly learning a new language, we need to focus on the cause and effect of this issue.

The bigger problem to elderly immigrants is the barriers to civic engagement among. in the journal, “Barriers and Facilitators to Civic Engagement Among Elderly African Immigrants in Oslo”, the author Abdi Gele, a Public Health Epidemiologist and Ivan Harsløf studies on social science and international studies, argue that elderly immigrants have barriers in communication in the new society. Abdi and Ivan support their implication by describing the cause on elderly immigrants and illustrating how the health, background and language affect them. Their purpose is to make their readers have the knowledge that this small problem affects many people around the world in order to help elderly people when they face the problem that we can solve in normal life. They establish a formal and highly analytical tone with their audience of racially- mixed students and sociologists. Their interview, a woman said “If you don’t speak the language even your closest people will look down at you, they don’t consider us as part of the society. “The article of Ingrid Pillar can support this claim.

Ingrid Pillar, an applied sociolinguist, in her article, “What makes it hard for migrants to learn the language of their new home”, argues that the fluency in new language and the variable in language learner. She supports this claim by comparing the age of language learner, then looking for prior education, and finally the background of Socioeconomic status and religion. Pillar’s purpose is to let readers know the factors in learning a new language are outside the control of the individual, in order to not blame individuals that they can’t speak or are different in the society. She adopts a serious other for her audience, the readers of open learn and others interested in the topic of race and immigrants. In Pillar article, “…the proficiency of older learners is often misjudged because even high-proficiency post-puberty learners tend to retain a ‘foreign’ accent.” That illustrates that many elderly immigrants will have an accent when they speak. connect to Abdi and Ivan claim, it can see elderly immigrants have accents or not fluency, some people will look down on them and this will affect their feeling in the society. The data “This shows that the likelihood of transitioning from good to poor English increases with rising age, while those with poor English skills are likely to improve if they are young but to a lesser extent if they are older.” of Temple support the claim of the age effect the proficiency in language.

The journal “English Language proficiency among older migrants in Australia, 2016-2046”, the author Jeromey Temple and all, associate professor of demography, predict that population ageing will increase, projections of the future older population by birthplace and English language proficiency. They support the claim by describing the data of the English language proficiency and ageing and illustrating the data and methods. Their purpose is to give the data that the people are useful, for example the government will use for provision of culturally appropriate and multilingual aged care and health services. They adopt a tone for their audience, the readers of National Library of Medicine and others interested in the topic of population. In Anna journal, it can support those claims.

Anna Pot, a Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Groningen, “The language barrier in migrant aging” researches how a limited second language proficiency impacts the aging process of migrant adults. Anna supports her implication by research data for example, the data of Age at testing, Length of residence in years, and education in years. Those data describe individual strategies and motives for higher and lower levels related to second language competence. Her propose is to make her readers aware of the social opportunities are limited in older migrants may isolation and loneliness when they have linguistic insecurities in order to help and more communicate to them overcome in learning new language. She adopts a theoretical tone for her audience, the readers of International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism and others interested in the topic of second language. Anna writes the research the part of Implication and conclusion, “From the interviews it becomes apparent that most older adults with a low proficiency tend to avoid L2 communicative situations, yet can get by with some rudimentary Dutch phrases (at the supermarket, at the doctor) that they acquired during their extensive stay in the Netherlands” Anna idea was support to Abdi idea, the elderly immigrants have the language difficulties, it will have less secure in the new community. In the Ms. Anna research, shows elders people were not don’t know any word in the normal life, they will be learning some of the easy word to enough handle their need. Those ideas can support the society problem in elderly immigrants, the effect in their communication and society activity. Further clarification: the cause of poor health conditions in the first source was the important cause to them. The doctor finds out the problem in old people is that it is hard to remember things. Ursula S Goth, research director and professor, “language disintegration: communication ability in elderly immigrants with dementia” claims that the dementia effect to elderly cognitive impairment. He supports this claim by illustrating how many people have dementia and how to be the challenge to the elderly immigrants. Goth’s purpose is to write about the problem in dementia in order to let readers force on this problem. He adopts a formal tone for his audience, the readers of Correspondence and others interested in the topic of the health effects of the elderly immigrants.

According to language disintegration: communication ability in elderly immigrants with dementia, “Culturally and linguistically diverse elderly people with dementia face many unique challenges and needs because of impairment of verbal and non-verbal language, which worsens with the degenerative process of dementia” This means that elderly immigrants might have issue to learn or learned the language. This support to Anna research, the elder immigrants frequently have challenges and needs in language and communication. The non-primary language may be affected by cognitive decline, it makes it dangerous when they need help then they can’t describe what they need.

What can we do about this issue? One way to improve elderly learning a new language is to add music training. According to Frontiers, “Foreign Language Learning as Cognitive Training to Prevent Old Age Disorders? Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Language Training vs. Musical Training and Social Interaction in Elderly with Subjective Cognitive Decline”, the author Saskia Esmee Nijmeijer and all, a doctorate student and research assistant, researching that the things that can prevent old age disorders. Nijmeijer supports her implication by describing how speaking multiple languages has been claimed to improve cognitive control and illustrating the result between foreign language training compared to the people learning to play a musical instrument. Their purpose is to make their reader have the knowledge that this method might be improved by elderly people. They adopt a theoretical tone for their audience, the readers of frontiers and others interested in the topic of health. It has been related to enhanced quality of life, mood state, cognition and working memory. Also tentatively proven to enhance well-being, self-esteem and social interaction. My point here is that it is important to let elderly immigrants join in the social activity, furthermore social integration.

The vulnerable groups in society. The small problem in society. Elderly immigrants cannot connect to the new society with the new language problem. Reduce social interaction with strangers, and will lose a lot of fun in life. The effectiveness of organizations towards addressing community problems, it connects to the elderly immigrants feeling. Would you help more with your elderly parents?

Work Cited

Gele, Abdi A., and Ivan Harsløf. “Barriers and Facilitators to Civic Engagement among Elderly African Immigrants in Oslo.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, vol. 14, no. 1, 2010, pp. 166–174.,

Goth, Ursula S, and Benedicte S Strøm. “Language Disintegration: Communication Ability in Elderly Immigrants with Dementia.” The Lancet Public Health, vol. 3, no. 12, 2018,

Nijmeijer, Saskia E., et al. “Foreign Language Learning as Cognitive Training to Prevent Old Age Disorders? Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial of Language Training vs. Musical Training and Social Interaction in Elderly with Subjective Cognitive Decline.” Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, vol. 13, 2021,

Pot, Anna, et al. “The Language Barrier in Migrant Aging.” International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, vol. 23, no. 9, 2018, pp. 1139–1157.,

Temple, Jeromey, et al. “English Language Proficiency among Older Migrants in Australia, 2016–2046.” Journal of International Migration and Integration, vol. 23, no. 2, 2021, pp. 403–429.,