Rhetorical Analysis

Accent Discrimination in workplace

This is the meme I make in https://memes.tw/maker

I want to shared accent discrimination in workplace. Audience that I want to target the people who don’t know the effect of accent discrimination. This meme will posted on the social media, and it easy to look at the attitude in the workplace to the people have the accent. I use PATHOS and LOGOS to appeal intended audience; examples of real events are used in arguments to provide strong persuasion and support the arguments I use to elicit a sympathetic emotional response from the audience. The purpose I created this meme is want the people face this issue in society can give a little help to them.

I want to shared accent discrimination in workplace. In mother tongue, the author Amy Tan  mentions that her mother is having difficulty at work because of her accent. Her mother was not respected by stockbroker and patiently listened to her needs. “And my mother was standing in the back whispering loudly, “Why he don’t send me check, already two weeks late. So mad he lie to me, losing me money.”… the real Mrs. Tan, was shouting at his boss in her impeccable broken English.”  Today, many people have the same problem. Some people have their employment rate reduced it hard to get the new job because of their accent and poor English. In the news, people will also have issue in school and in the workplace because of poor English. I choose this argument because this problem has also appeared in my family, and the problem in the workplace at that time was not solved directly. My target audience is not people with the same problem, it is ordinary people. I chose them because reminding them can help when they encountering such groups. In my arguments, I use the PATHOS and LOGOS calls. Examples of real events are used in arguments to provide strong persuasion. Support the arguments I use to elicit a sympathetic emotional response from the audience. In the meme I created, it can evoke the feelings of the intended audience emotionally and show how some people are watching the people have accents in the language. The attitude, language or actions will have bias and bullying in the workplace and school. Today it is easy to communicate in culture, but still have this society problem in some places.